Serial port interface example for ROS2 using asio library
- Package name: serial_com
- ROS distro: Foxy (tested)
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (tested)
Apt install some pacakges
sudo apt install libasio-dev libboost-dev
Clone this package into your ros2 workspace and try colcon build.
cd to ros2_workspace/src
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --pacakge-select serial_com
Connect usb-to-serial port on your pc and check its path
Modify config/serial.yaml file per setup.
- port name
- baud rate
If all settings are correct, launch serial_com by entering below.
ros2 launch serial_com
AsioSerial handles opening, transmitting and receiving packets through any serial port.
- Before calling any receive function, call set_callback_read_until() to bind a callback function which will be triggered when there is data to read.
- Call set_end_of_read_char(char) to set end_of_read_char (EOC) of your choice. (Default is "\n")
- open(string port_name, int baud_rate) will open port.
- To receive packes until EOC met, call start_async_receive().
- To receive any packets, just call start_receive()
- To send string message: write_some(string)
- To send array of bytes: write_bytes( char*, int)