
Configuration files backup

Primary LanguageHTML

installed software


  • i3-gaps-git window manager a fork of i3wm with more features, including gaps
    • i3lock-fancy-git lockscreen blurs background, adds lock icon and text
    • i3status status bar generates status bar to use with i3bar
  • sddm display manager customizable with qml
    • sddm-deepin-theme personal modified version, very minimal
  • rxvt-unicode terminal emulator lightweight, extensible with perl
    • urxvt-clipboard makes urxvt play nice with the x clipboard
    • urxvt-resize-font enables on the fly font resizing. very useful for small screens
  • conky status bar lightweight system monitor used to configure the system bar
  • feh background setter it's simple and does everything you need
  • ahoviewer image viewer gtk2 image viewer, manga reader and booru browser (also supports .gif)
  • xflux screen temperature daemon reduces eye strain in reduced light
  • dunst notification daemon


  • connman wifi wireless lan network manager
    • connman_dmenu-git dmenu integration for connman
  • weechat irc client extensible irc client with great community support
  • newsbeuter rss feed reader simple rss feed reader for the terminal
  • firefox web browser golden standard web browser
    • greasemonkey userscript manager
      • 4chan x make 4chan more usable
      • kissanime/cartoon downloader when there isn't a decent torrent for it
      • youtube + add useful some features to youtube
    • stylus user styles manager
    • https everywhere force https where possible
    • ublock origin ad and nuisance blocker
    • new tab homepage custumize new tab url
    • black elegance theme works well with the css
    • easy screenshot easily capture screenshots
    • imagus show images/videos from links with a mouse hover
    • simple translate quickly translate selected text on web page
    • tab session manager save and restore the state of windows and tabs
  • w3m web browser console web browser, used for image previews in ranger
  • qbittorrent bittorrent client
  • openssh ssh client


  • alsa-lib audio driver alternative implementation of linux sound support
    • alsa-utils gui provides (among other utilities) the 'alsamixer'
  • pulseaudio audio daemon some programs can't have audio without it
  • mpd music player gold standard music player daemon
  • ncmpcpp music player fast and configurable mpd client
  • mpv video player do-it-all video player for streaming and playing local media
  • hachoir-metadata-gtk metadata viewer extract metadata from media files ()
    • note: create a 'thunar custom action' to be able to open any media file metadata


  • libreoffice office suite word processor, spreadsheet and presentation graphics software
  • zathura document viewer lightweight extensible document viewer with a vim-like interface
    • mupdf pdf rendering lib alternative to poppler
    • zathura-cb comic book plugin for reading manga with zathura
  • scrot screenshotter simple


  • sublime text 3 text editor install 'package control' with (Ctrl + shift + p) for addons and themes
    • bracket highlighter my list of plugins
    • color scheme editor
    • color sublime themes
    • find key conflicts
    • git
    • git gutter
    • material theme
    • side bar enhancements
    • sub notify
    • terminality
    • terminal view
    • unicode escape
  • python allows for easy scripting
  • lua another scripting language
  • jre java runtime environment


  • rofi dynamic menu application launcher
    • fmenu-rofi.sh allows to browse your files in rofi
    • rofi-alias.sh adds aliases to the rofi list of commands
    • teiler-alt.sh personal modified version of teiler. captures screenshots and screencasts
  • thunar file manager main file manager
    • thunar volman automatic management of removable devices
  • ranger file manager lightweight terminal file manager. use w3m for image previews
  • yay aur helper browsing aur made easy, better replacement for yaourt
  • htop task manager interactive process viewer
  • tlp power management fire and forget power manager
  • gnome-calculator power management gnome scientific calculator
  • ca-certificates-utils useful for wifi connections
  • zip compressor/archiver
  • p7zip compressor/archiver
  • unzip extract and view files in zip archives
  • neofetch cli system information tool
  • gcolor3 simple gtk color selection dialog

fonts / themes

  • lxappearance theme switcher easily change most customization options with one program
  • terminus (ttf) bitmap monospace font ttf version of terminus, thicker and more readable (use size 14)
  • font awesome icon font set of icons, used to configure the status bar
  • adapta-nokto gtk theme flat gtk theme with custom red highlights
  • clarity icon theme '-albus' for the white variant, other options include evopop, flat remix and paper
  • openzone mouse theme 'white slim' version

fun applications

  • bastet slightly more advanced tetris
  • pipes create pipes that move randomly in the terminal
  • cmatrix matrix style terminal
  • mongoclock terminal clock

scripts and tools

  • feh_browser cycle between images in a folder with feh
  • tiles display the current terminal colors and colored text over colored tiles
  • colorz generate a color pallete from any image (useful for creating themes)
  • startpage simple customizable startpage (modded version of yukisuki by fuyuneko)
  • 4chanx settings .json file with all the settings configured
  • youtube+ settings just import it to easily customiza all settings


Consider this my checklist of things that i want when installing a new os. dotfiles.py can be used to install all the necesssary config files in their directories or to make a backup of the config files. Run it by using python dotfiles.py arg, where arg can be install or backup. There's also a list for excluded files, among others. Look at the code for more info.