
Training repo for Team 3176

Primary LanguagePython


Training repo for Team 3176

You have 4 options

  1. Numberizer

I wrote some math forumulas, but I did a bad job. Fork the repo, then create a branch for each error you find. Have your team each checkout a branch, commit and push their fix, and then get a mentor to check over your work before merging to master

  1. tic-tac-toe

Play tic-tac-toe on github. Fork the repo, then use branching and merging to make moves.

  1. stop-the-presses

I overloaded python's print function. Make branches and mess around, see if you can add some fun functionality.

  1. Your own thing

Got a better idea? Want to use a language you already know or have installed on your computer? Get approval from a mentor and then get on it!