
A pet project for scraping basketball data and analyzing it

Primary LanguagePython


A basketball-reference.com web scraper that uses Spark, Hadoop, and Hive to build a database designed for analysts.

Set Up

  1. Set up Hadoop/HDFS on Softlayer (or any other remote set of vms)
  • Refer to Hadoop/HDFS homework (link)
  • Set up 10 machines at 100G of disk space each
  • Be sure to remember the ip address of the master, as it will be needed for Spark setup
  1. Set up Spark on local computer
  • Refer to Intro to Spark homework (link)

  • No need to set this up remotely, just set it up locally on personal computer

  • In running Spark with Yarn cluster, no need to have Spark on remote vms

  1. Set up python on all machines (including remote vms)
  • Python libraries required to run job:
    • BeautifulSoup (bs4)
    • pandas
    • requests
    • datetime

Run the App

From local machine, run the shell script "run.sh", and input the public ip address of the master node of the remote vms. This should:

  • Scrape data from basketball-reference.com
  • Set up hive
  • Put all data into HDFS
  • Create hive tables from data

After this is done, try logging in and testing the database:

ssh root@<ip_address>
use nba_db;
show tables;

This should display all the tables and their descriptions.

Downloading Data for Local Analysis

Data can also be downloaded in smaller chunks as csv files, and used for separate in-depth analysis. Run python interacter.py and follow the prompts to download the files needed. They will downloand onto the local path.