
w205 Exercise 1

Primary LanguageShell


w205 Exercise1

###SetUp and Loading in the Data


git clone https://github.com/kyungguyeo/exercise1.git
cd exercise1
chmod u+x load_data_lake.sh

Data will be loaded onto Desktop. Then run hive -f hive_base_ddl.sql. This will create the database schemas and point it to the appropriate hdfs files.

###Data Transformation To transform the data into tables to match my ER diagram:

cd transforming
hive -f effective_care.sql
hive -f readmissions.sql
hive -f surveys.sql

###Analysis To run the analyses, change directories to investigations, and in the best_hospitals, best_states, hospital_variability, and hospitals_and_patients folders, run each of the sql queries. Each of these queries will return values to answer the associated questions.

###ER diagram Under loading_and_modeling is a simple er diagram of the data architecture used for this project, displayed below:

ER Diagram