
A FBX to glTF file format converter.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is a FBX to glTF file format converter.

How to use

You can find the latest release in releases page.

To convert, run the executable at command line:

> FBX-glTF-conv <source-FBX-file> --out <glTF-files-out-dir>

There are some options, run the executable without any arguments:

> FBX-glTF-conv

This is a FBX to glTF file format converter.
  FBX-glTF-conv [OPTION...] positional parameters

      --fbm-dir arg             The directory to store the embedded media.
      --out                     The output path to the .gltf or .glb file.
                                Defaults to
      --no-flip-v               Do not flip V texture coordinates.
      --unit-conversion arg       -

                                - `hierarchy-level` Do unit conversion at
                                  - `disabled` Disable unit
                                conversion. This may cause the generated glTF
                                does't conform to glTF specification. (default:
      --no-texture-resolution   Do not resolve textures.
      --prefer-local-time-span  Prefer local time spans recorded in FBX file
                                for animation exporting. (default: true)
      --animation-bake-rate arg
                                Animation bake rate(in FPS). (default: 30)
      --texture-search-locations arg
                                Texture search locations. These path shall be
                                absolute path or relative path from input
                                file's directory.
      --verbose                 Verbose output.
      --log-file arg            Specify the log file(logs are outputed as
                                JSON). If not specified, logs're printed to


To build this tool, the followings are required:

This is a CMake project, just build it in normal CMake build process. However you need to indicate the FBXSDK's location and vcpkg toolchain file:

> cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="<path-to-vcpkg>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DFbxSdkHome:STRING="<path-to-FBX-SDK-home>"

If problems encountered, you may file an issue or reference to the CI build script.


This tool is essentially used as a part of the Cocos Creator. In former, Cocos Creator supports FBX file format through the excellent FBX2glTF.

But Cocos team has to find another approach because:

  • FBX2glTF store the glTF result files onto disk and Creator read the files. This is the only way that Creator can communicate with FBX2glTF. File system I/O is slow.
  • Author of FBX2glTF is tired.
  • FBX is complex and all exporters working for it are buggy. We usually need to fix strange issues. It's hard to sync fixes between Cocos and Facebook.


  • 🗸 Geometries

    • 🗸 Meshes
  • 🗸 Materials

    • 🗸 Lambert and Phong
  • 🗸 Textures and images

    • 🗸 Image formats: JPEG, PNG
  • 🗸 Skinning

    • ⌛ Cluster mode: additive
  • 🗸 Blend shapes(Morph targets)

  • 🗸 Animations

    • 🗸 Node transform animations(Skeletal animations)

    • 🗸 Blend shape animations(Morph animations)

  • 🗸 Scene hierarchy

    • ⌛ FBX specific node inherit types: RrSs, Rrs
  • ⌛ Cameras

  • ⌛ Lights

🗸 Supported ⌛ Not finished


Again, the FBX is complex and specification-less. In development, we often reference from or are inspired from the following predecessors: