🤣 Responsive web, mobile web and boiler plate for super easy global condition management Free structure architecture design, which can be developed very quickly
- 🤣 react (with typescript)
- 🤣 typescript 4
- 🤣 react-native-web (super!)
- 🤣 antd ui (super!)
- 🤣 ionic-react (super!)
- 🤣 mobx5 ( mobx-react-lite 2, mobx-react 6) (super!)
- 🤣 react-app-rewired 2
- 😎 The super ultra easiest global state management, mobile or web (basic configuration of optimized Ui framework for implementing responsive web)
- 😎 (wow! If you want to create a quickly create an mobile app, you can easily create an android/ios app by using an ionic capacitor.) --> ionic init && ionic capacitor add android(ios)
- Whether it's using React Hook, class-based implementation, or mixing, it's a versatile boiler plate.