
Analysis, visualization, and interpretation of my sleep data in Python.

Pei Qi Tea's Sleep Analysis

In 2016, in order to keep up with school work and study for the secondary school national examinations, I forced myself to sleep less than 6.5 hours a day. Despite trying to sleep more in high school and college, I realized that I would always wake up at around the 6-hour mark. Even if I managed to sleep 7 hours or more, I always woke up feeling more exhausted than the day before.

This repository contains my analysis, visualization, and interpretation of my sleep data using Python.

Data collection methods

Heart rate and sleep data

Over a period of ~6 months (July 1, 2022 to January 26, 2023), I tracked my sleep using my Xiaomi Mi Band 5 smartwatch. The exported data can be found in the raw-data/ folder.

There are some days where I didn't wear my watch to sleep; I will account for that when cleaning my data.

Period data

Since February 2022, I also manually tracked the first day of my period in Google Calendar. I have compiled the data in a CSV file, also in the raw-data/ folder.

Exercise data

Finally, in September 2022, I started exercising more vigorously and regularly, through twice-weekly Hapkido sessions. While I didn't wear my watch during classes (so my heart rate wasn't tracked), I kept track of which days the sessions happened in Google Calendar. I have also compiled the data in a CSV file, also in the raw-data/ folder.

Questions to explore

  • Is my sleep quality truly as poor as I feel it is?
  • Is deep sleep affected by starting sleep time? Or is deep sleep more strongly correlated with the absolute hours of the night?
  • Is deep sleep affected by which stage of the menstrual cycle I'm currently in?
  • Does intense exercise (i.e. Hapkido sessions) increase the amount of deep sleep?