having a hard time getting electrumx working
taspenwall opened this issue · 1 comments
I've compiled elecrumx and I'm having a hard time getting it to run. I've been specifying env vars with export. I'm trying to use my bitcoin node thats on mainnet. I'm using COIN=BitcoinSegwit and NET=mainnet. I'm getting an error `electrumx.lib.coins.CoinError: unknown coin BitcoinSegwit and network mainnet combination' I've also tried just using COIN=Bitcoin and that doesn't work either.
I'm running a raspberry pi with debain sid. I had to build electrumx in a venv. I'm still not sure about using electrumx as a service but I'm pretty sure you can launch a python venv with systemd, just haven't learned the final points yet. That means I'm trying to launch elecrtumx just using electrumx_server command. My thinking was to get the program running 1st then figure out the systemd side of things. Thanks Tom
You're looking for https://github.com/spesmilo/electrumx/