- 3
- 1
LINUXLinux 死活连不上 密码都对
#1075 opened by evilfenggg - 0
#1077 opened by Master-Win - 1
- 0
ElectrumX server terminated abnormally,help!
#1074 opened by nothing122232 - 0
disconnected whilst throttled on local rpc
#1073 opened by michaelbarbas - 1
having a hard time getting electrumx working
#1072 opened by taspenwall - 12
ChainError: UTXO 42f8a8a545b8fa749ed0664bea1d1aed04a64d3bfc682826c33fd55d902b81d8 / 0 not found in "h" table
#1059 opened by jerrygzy - 0
#1071 opened by han0147 - 0
- 0
Synchronization stops at block height 724940
#1068 opened by soichisumi - 0
Is this BSV only? BTC, or what? Please state clearly
#1067 opened by github12101 - 4
blockchain.transaction.get not working
#1065 opened by dimdelizonas - 2
- 0
[Question] How do subscription work?
#1063 opened by green-john - 3
Support Prune mode
#1062 opened by baryon - 2
daemon service refused after upgraded tag1.20.2
#1061 opened by baryon - 7
Scripthash subscribe and mempool query not working if non standard script in input
#1050 opened by zhuyaokun - 1
ElectrumX server as a Tor hidden service
#1029 opened by mtbadakhshan - 3
- 2
- 2
electrumx.lib.coins.CoinError: unknown coin BitcoinSegwit and network testnet combination
#1021 opened by hcasalet - 1
- 1
Invalid blockchain.scripthash.listunspent result
#1044 opened by dmitry537 - 3
- 4
[Killed] height: 678,297
#1054 opened by jerrygzy - 6
- 1
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1076)
#1052 opened by jorisk1980 - 4
How to query blockchain.scripthash.listunspent
#1051 opened by ashishchandr70 - 4
Electrumx exit abnormally, multiple times
#1049 opened by lyonnee - 0
cant connect to electrumx on
#1047 opened by VeilleurTrytoFix - 1
Help with Blackcoin Parameters
#1045 opened by michelvankessel - 2
ltc address converted into scripthash library?
#1043 opened by Jamiejoin - 1
Broadcasting a transaction is failing
#1041 opened by xloem - 4
- 17
Be honest about supporting only AltcoinSV
#1018 opened - 1
Crashing on LTC v0.18.1 - ImportError: Error relocating /usr/lib/ _ZNSt7__cxx1119basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev: symbol not found
#1037 opened by kobrien - 1
use tor for broadcast transactions while using clearnet for all others - possible?
#1036 opened by monkey-jsun - 2
scripthash to address
#1025 opened by Jamiejoin - 0
- 1
- 2
Litcoin support ?
#1019 opened by iangregsondev - 2
- 1
ElectrumX & Websocket error at coro=<RPCSession._throttled_request() with a 1005 code
#1020 opened by PavlosTze - 2
ImportError: /usr/lib/ cannot allocate memory in static TLS block
#1010 opened by wingsuit - 5
BSV is trash.
#1013 opened by BTCCRDZ - 2
Error in Changelog
#1014 opened by accumulator - 2
BitcoinSegwit missing from in 1.15.0?
#1012 opened by rmwb - 1
assertion error len(tx_counts) == size
#1009 opened by accumulator - 1