Set up

  1. Run npm install to install all dependencies
  2. Make sure env.local file exists


  1. After sign up, go to prisma studio and create a profile record with the user id in the Profile table
  2. User id can be obtained from the profile-registration page after you register an account

User table in Supabase

  1. A user row is created everytime a user signs up
  2. Reference:

Navbar layout

  1. Add import Layout from "~/components/layout/Layout"; on top of the page
  2. Paste this code at the end of every page
Settings.getLayout = function getLayout(page: ReactElement) {
  return (

export default Settings;
  1. Replace Settings with the name of the page eg. ResearchPostsPage

Using Supabase Auth library with Next.js

  1. import { useSupabaseClient } from "@supabase/auth-helpers-react";
  2. Create a supabase client instance using the useSupabaseClient hook
const supabase = useSupabaseClient();
  1. Use the supabase client instance to call the auth methods. For instance, forget password reference here:
  2. You can also use the useUser hook to get details of the current user
import { useUser } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
const { user } = useUser();

Notification using React Hot Toast

  1. On terminal, run: npm install react-hot-toast
  2. import on necessary pages to use:
import toast, { Toaster } from 'react-hot-toast';
const notify = () => toast('Here is your toast.');
const App = () => {
  return (
      <button onClick={notify}>Make me a toast</button>
      <Toaster />
  1. On terminal, run npm run dev