- 1
How to stop the notification from hiding
#67 opened by a1danw - 3
- 2
Keep track of amount of duplicate notifications
#63 opened by matsn0w - 0
- 0
#61 opened by KINGZSY - 2
Custom style was not works well in Production
#60 opened by aqordeon - 2
Typescript support for Component props
#57 opened by natac13 - 1
- 2
Notifications not working when provided via vue plugin after version 2.4.1
#51 opened by silviu-negoita - 2
Failed to resolve import "@kyvg/vue3-notification" from "src\main.js". Does the file exist?
#54 opened by yan-pi - 1
- 5
Can't use when Vue Options API is disabled
#37 opened by axelkennedal - 2
Install via CDN Help
#45 opened by authcompanion - 2
Add parameters position and width to API
#50 opened by ikreb7 - 4
Tags were removed
#48 opened by tropee-moein - 8
How to use with NuxtJS?
#35 opened by ad-on-is - 5
- 3
Two different groups, same position
#46 opened by drblaui - 3
click event
#42 opened by aqjw - 1
freeze for inactive user
#43 opened by aqjw - 1
transition-group invalid html
#41 opened by atimons - 3
Problem with laravel sail and vite, "permission denied" on non-existing directory
#38 opened by Glarionov - 5
Issue when building app
#40 opened by giuliaSan - 7
Runtime errors with Content Security Policy
#30 opened by DanielBickler - 8
- 1
Notification Start Event
#39 opened by VladimirVagner - 1
Styles and position won't work in 2.6.0
#33 opened by Klavionik - 2
Using this with Composition API maybe?
#31 opened by brickgale - 5
Does not work in the production of the vite
#27 opened by alexis-karyavin - 1
Fresh Nuxt3 have TypeError with this module
#28 opened by bendwarn - 2
- 1
- 1
- 2
Usage with <script setup/>
#23 opened by nicolasbinet - 1
Release for PR-22
#24 opened by nirnejak - 1
- 2
Replacing only the data of the currently floating notification without generating a new notification
#19 opened by JUKOOK - 3
closeOnClick : false is not working in vue3
#18 opened by sudhanshuptl - 3
CSS animations for enter and leave
#17 opened by tobiv - 1
- 3
Notification does not disappear after fade-out
#11 opened by antbrl - 1
not work with default leave animation
#10 opened by lpf763827726 - 1
- 0
Fix velocity tests
#6 opened by kyvg - 0
Rewrite tests
#3 opened by kyvg - 0
Migrate to TypeScript
#1 opened by kyvg