TriviApp was made as the Capstone project for Udacity Android Nanodegree.
An Android app game to help you have fun for hours. All the question/answers are fetched from OpenTriviaDB
- Contains a login screen with Firebase Auth
- Ability to select from several different categories to play
- Track score of your progress for each category
- Cool effects for the gameplay
- Cool dialogs to make the experience more fun
- Day/Night mode
- Vibration on/off option
- Profile screen to display the total score and an overview of each category you have played
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase Core
- Firebase ui auth
- Firebase Database
- Picasso & OkHttp3
- Retofit & Gson
- MPAndroidChart
- FancyGifDialog-Android
- EasyNativeDialog-for-Android
- Support:preference-v7
- ButterKnife
- Room
- Lifecycle