Local Internal Developer Platform using Kratix

This sets up a local Kubernetes cluster using KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) and installs ArgoCD and uses it to sync the following applications onto the cluster:

Core Services:

  • argocd - deployment tool
  • cert-manager - certificates
  • ingress-nginx - ingress reverse proxy
  • kratix-platform
    • gitea
      • metallb - for exposing git server to
  • kratix worker examples


  • emojivoto sample application
  • sample application that requests Kratix promises

The goal is to have a Platform and a Worker Kubernetes cluster running and the source of truth being this GitHub repository. Kratix will be used as a platform to deploy custom resources onto the worker cluster.

This is based on the Kratix Quickstart tutorial.

Getting Started

  • Make sure you have KinD installed:

    brew install kind
  • Create the KinD clusters from the config:

    kind create cluster --config ./kind/cluster-platform.yaml
    kind create cluster --config ./kind/cluster-worker.yaml
  • Install ArgoCD using kustomize so it can fetch all the other applications (Run it twice because CRDs are installed the first time)

    kubectl --context kind-platform apply -k ./gitops-repo/argocd/platform
    kubectl --context kind-platform apply -k ./gitops-repo/argocd/platform
    kubectl --context kind-worker apply -k ./gitops-repo/argocd/worker
    kubectl --context kind-worker apply -k ./gitops-repo/argocd/worker
  • You can observe the Kratix Platform commiting to the local Git Server by opening the URL:

    Login with the credentials here: https://github.com/syntasso/kratix/blob/e40901e658772057c0c4d6526cbe58cd8951e91a/hack/platform/gitea-install.yaml#L846-L849