
Provision a single node rancher2 k8s cluster using Ansible

MIT LicenseMIT

Role Name

This role installs Rancher 2 (see rancher.com) on a custom server using Docker. It also installs:

  • one cluster (see the Role variables section)
  • Cert manager catalog (see cert-manager.io)
  • Rook (see rook.io) Requirements

No Requirements

Role Variables

  • docker_version: "18.03" => The docker version you want to install
  • rancher_container_name: "rancher-server" => The name you want for the rancher docker container
  • rancher_domain_name: "your_domain_name" => The domain name of Rancher
  • rancher_url: "https://{{ rancher_domain_name }}" => The url of the rancher server
  • rancher_admin_password: "admin_password" => The password you want
  • rancher_cluster_name: "cluster_name" => The name you want for the cluster being created
  • rancher_network_provider: "calico" => The network provider
  • install_rook: true => if you wish to install Rook
  • rook_version: "0.9.1" => The version of Rook
  • install_certmanager: true => if you wish to install cert-manager
  • cluster_issuer_name: "letsencrypt-staging" => The clusterissuer name it should be "letsencrypt-staging" or "letsencrypt-prod"
  • letsencrypt_email: "youremail@email.fr" => The email to user with letsencrypt
  • validate_certs: true => Use false if you do not desire to use SSL
  • rancher_ssl_port: 443 => Use a different if you do not desire to use SSL
  • single_node: false => set to True if you want to install Rancher on a single node cluster


No Dependencies

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  - include_role:
      name: '../../rancher2-ansible'
      docker_version: "18.03"
      rancher_container_name: "rancher-server"
      rancher_domain_name: your_domain_name.fr
      rancher_admin_password: "admin_password"
      rancher_cluster_name: "cluster_name"
      rancher_network_provider: "calico"
      install_rook: true
      rook_version: "0.9.1"
      install_certmanager: true
      cluster_issuer_name: "letsencrypt-staging"
      letsencrypt_email: "youremail@email.fr"
      validate_certs: true
      rancher_ssl_port: 443
      single_node: false



Author Information

If you have any issue with the project please open one on Github. Any pull request or improvement idea is welcome.