
ATACseq workshop, Jachranka 2017

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ATACseq workshop

Katarzyna Kedzierska
September 16, 2017
Jachranka, Poland

Table of Content


The slides for the introductory lecture can be accessed here.

This workshop is supposed to introduce the highlights of ATAC-seq data analysis. Executing all parts of it allows to obtain some results from the data but does not cover all the methods that can be used in ATAC-seq data analysis.


  1. Quality metrics, fragment size distribution and reads shifting with R package ATACseqQC.
  2. Peak calling with MACS2
  3. Motif search with HOMER
  4. Footprinting with R package ATACseqQC

Code: All the code can be found in the sub-directory scripts.


We will be working on data from the Enocode project. It'll be embryonic liver in 0 and 12.5 days post fertilization. This can gives insights into chromatin dynamics in mouse development.

Systematic mapping of chromatin state landscapes during mouse development David Gorkin, Iros Barozzi, Yanxiao Zhang, Ah Young Lee, Bin Lee, Yuan Zhao, Andre Wildberg, Bo Ding, Bo Zhang, Mengchi Wang, J. Seth Strattan, Jean M. Davidson, Yunjiang Qiu, Veena Afzal, Jennifer A. Akiyama, Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, Catherine S. Pickle, Momoe Kato, Tyler H. Garvin, Quan T. Pham, Anne N. Harrington, Brandon J. Mannion, Elizabeth A. Lee, Yoko Fukuda-Yuzawa, Yupeng He, Sebastian Preissl, Sora Chee, Brian A. Williams, Diane Trout, Henry Amrhein, Hongbo Yang, J. Michael Cherry, Yin Shen, Joseph R. Ecker, Wei Wang, Diane E. Dickel, Axel Visel, Len A. Pennacchio, Bing Ren bioRxiv 166652; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/166652

I downloaded the small piece data from Encode servers:

accession number days tissue replicate
ENCFF109LQF 12.5 liver 2
ENCFF146ZCO 12.5 liver 1
ENCFF848NLJ 0 liver 2
ENCFF929LOH 0 liver 1

The reads were processed and aligned according to he following pipeline (paired end).

Kundaje lab ATAC-seq pipeline specifications - updated July 11th 2017

I prepared the data for this workshop by executing following script.

while read line; do 
	access_number=$(echo $line | cut -f1 -d' '); 
	echo ${access_number}; 
	bash workshopPreparation.sh -a ${access_number} -o mouse --directory ./mouse --threads 16 -c -p 0.02;
done < sampleSheet.csv 2>&1 | tee workshopPreparation.log

Before we start

We need to do two things - one, copy bam files.

rsync -avz --exclude="*.git/" USERNAME@ ~/ngschool/ATACseq_workshop

And two, check if every package in R is already installed. To do so, we need to open RStudio and run the following code.


Quality metrics

There's a lot of times when one should check the quality of the data while working with the outputs of sequencing experiment. After alignment and filtering the first thing one must check with ATAC-seq data is the fragment size distribution. We will generate the files

sampleSheet <- read.csv("sampleSheet_up.csv", 
                        sep = "\t", 
                        header = FALSE, 
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bamfiles <- sampleSheet$V6
bamfiles.labels <- as.character(mapply(FUN = gsub, 
                                       MoreArgs = list(pattern = "_part.bam", replacement = "")))

# fragSize <- fragSizeDist(bamfiles, bamfiles.labels) 
# Helper loop because of the issue with the fragSizeDist function
for (a in 1:length(bamfiles)) {
  fragSize <- fragSizeDist(bamfiles[a], bamfiles.labels[a])

Fragment size distribution plot.

Reads shifting

I tried to visualize to the best of my ability the reason why the read shifting is applied and how it is made. I welcome any suggestions as to how to make this visualization better.

a) DNA with Tn5 attached - transposase with loaded adapters binds to the DNA.
b) DNA with adapters attached - Tn5 attaches the adapters 9bp apart, one to the "-" strand and one to the "+" strand
c) and d) Library preparations steps - each fragment will generate two clusters.
e) Reads attached to the reference - respective reads will align to the opposite strands.
f) Reads shifting +4bp "+" strand and -5bp "-" strand - this is the method mentioned in the original paper.
g) Fragments shifting - in this approach only one read per fragment is shifted according to the strand that the first read from pair aligns to.

That step was already executed on the bam files found in the shifted directory. Running this part requires very large package and some computational resources (unfortunately, the process is memory inefficient).

require(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10) #large package 600 MB
## bamfile tags
tags <- c("AS", "XN", "XM", "XO", "XG", "NM", "MD", "YS", "YT")
## files will be output into outPath
outPath <- "shifted"

for (f in 1:length(bamfiles)) {
  gal <- readBamFile(bamfiles[f], tag=tags, asMates=TRUE)
  gal1 <- shiftGAlignmentsList(gal)
  shiftedBamfiles <- file.path(outPath, basename(bamfiles[f]))
  export(gal1, shiftedBamfiles)

Peak calling

This is the command that will run the script for peak calling with our options specified. The code in this script can be found below.

bash ./scripts/peakCalling.sh
mkdir -p ./peaks
mkdir -p ./motifs
while read line; do
        accession_number=$(echo $line | cut -f1 -d' ');
        shiftedBamFile=$(echo $line | cut -f6 -d' ');
        macs2 callpeak \
                --verbose 3 \
                --treatment ${shiftedBamFile} \
                -g mm \
                -B \
                -q 0.05 \
                --extsize 200 \
                --nomodel \
                --shift -100 \
                --nolambda \
                --keep-dup all \
                -f BAM \
                --outdir ./peaks/${accession_number} \
        cat ./peaks/${accession_number}/NA_peaks.narrowPeak | cut -f1-3 > ./peaks/${accession_number}.bed
        bedtools intersect -abam ${shiftedBamFile} -b ./peaks/${accession_number}.bed -bed > ./peaks/${accession_number}_frip.bed
        #findMotifsGenome.pl ./peaks/${accession_number}.bed mm10 ./motifs/${accession_number} -size 200 -p 16 -S 15 -len 8
done < sampleSheet_up.csv


   964784 ENCFF109LQF_frip.bed
  1344882 ENCFF146ZCO_frip.bed
   717487 ENCFF848NLJ_frip.bed
   999222 ENCFF929LOH_frip.bed

txdb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene

# To import narrowPeak files
extraCols_narrowPeak <- c(signalValue = "numeric", pValue = "numeric",
                          qValue = "numeric", peak = "integer")

peakFiles <- list.files(pattern = "[A-Z0-9].bed", path = "./peaks", full.names = TRUE)
peakGRs <- lapply(peakFiles, import, format = "BED")

peakAnnoList <- lapply(peakGRs, annotatePeak, TxDb=txdb, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), verbose=FALSE)
names(peakAnnoList) <- basename(peakFiles)

Consensus peakset

bash ./scripts/consensus.sh
bedtools intersect -wa -wb -f 0.5 -r -a ./peaks/ENCFF109LQF.bed -b ./peaks/ENCFF146ZCO.bed | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge > ./peaks/embryoLiver_12.5.bed
bedtools intersect -wa -wb -f 0.5 -r -a ./peaks/ENCFF848NLJ.bed -b ./peaks/ENCFF929LOH.bed | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge > ./peaks/embryoLiver_0.bed
wc -l ./peaks/*.bed


Use the bed files to run Enrichr on 2k closest genes.

embryoLiver_12.5days embryoLiver_0days

Differential analysis

exp <- dba(sampleSheet = "./sampleSheetDB.csv")
dba.ap(exp, mode=DBA_OLAP_RATE)
exp <- dba.count(exp)
exp <- dba.contrast(exp, minMembers=2)
exp <- dba.analyze(exp)
dba.plotPCA(exp, DBA_FACTOR, label=DBA_TISSUE)
saveRDS(object = exp, file = "exp.rds")


We are going to substitute CTCF for another one.

CTCF <- query(MotifDb, c("CTCF"))
CTCF <- as.list(CTCF)
print(CTCF[[1]], digits=2)

genome <- Mmusculus

factorFootprints(bamfiles[1], pfm=CTCF[[1]], 
                 upstream=100, downstream=100)