
[Jetbrains] Ever got frustrated to find out where was the handler of a MediatR's IRequest? Say no more. This plugin provides a context action to easily reach the handler of any MediatR request. Select your MediatR request, click on that action and boom you will be automatically transported to the appropriate handler.

Primary LanguageC#

MediatR Extension for Rider and ReSharper

Version Version

How to run on Windows

  • Open the solution NoSuchCompany.MediatrPlugin.sln in Visual Studio;
  • Make sure there is a valid NuGet feed configured (https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json);
  • Open a command prompt in Powershell;
  • Run the command ./buildPlugin.ps1 (you might need to remove the Rider project if it causes the build to fail);
  • Run the command ./runVisualStudio.ps1 (you might need to remove the Rider project if it causes the build to fail);

At this point, another instance of Visual Studio should have been started. Go into ReSharper > Extension Manager and look for the MediatR extension plugin. It should be installed and have the version 9999.0.

How to run on macOS

  • Run the command ./gradlew :runIde in a terminal window