This is a program synthesizer for well-behaved bidirectional program written in HOBiT (
You can obtain a bidirectional program from an unidirectional program and input-output examples.
Install stack
first. Then, type the following command.
stack build
To synthesize a bidirectional program, you need to specify the spec file that contains the file name of unidirectional programs and backward-behavior examples.
For example, if you want to synthesize bidirectional appendPair
, which is the running example in our paper, you need to specify the spec file paper_experiments/List/append/spec.hobit
as follows:
stack exec synbit paper_experiments/List/append/spec.hobit
After running the command, bidirectional appendPair
that meets backward behaciors written in paper_experiments/List/append/examples.hobit
will be shown.
Run stack bench --benchmark-arguments "PATH_TO_SPEC_FILE"
, where the part PATH_TO_SPEC_FILE
is supposed to be related with the path to a spec.hobit
in the paper_experiments
directory. For example, to benchmark the append
example, run:
stack bench --benchmark-arguments "paper_experiments/List/append/spec.hobit"
We used the criterion package ( for benchmarks.
A prototype implementation of a higher-order bidirectional programming language HOBiT.
Just run hobit
. Then, one will see the following prompt of HOBiT's
read-eval-print loop.
You can type expressions to evaluate.
HOBiT> 1 + 2
The read-eval-print loop also accepts some commands, where valid commands are displayed by typing :h
HOBiT> :h
Quit REPL.
Load a program.
Reload the last program.
:put EXP [EXP [EXP]]
Evaluate a function as "put".
:get Exp [Exp]
Evaluate a function as "get".
:set verbosity INT
Set verbosity to the specified number.
Show this help.
:type EXP
Show expression's type.
The ":get" and ":put" are most interesting parts of HOBiT's functionality. To explain the behavior, we first load the file ./example/Unlines.hobit
HOBiT> :l examples/Unlines.hobit
unlinesB :: BX [[Char]] -> BX [[Char]]
The type constructor "BX" indicates that the values can be updated. To
run the unlinesB
function forward, just use the :get
HOBiT> :get unlinesB ["a", "b", "c"]
The command :put
is used to invoke the backward execution of
HOBiT> :put unlinesB ["a", "b", "c"] "AA\nBB\nCC\n"
HOBiT> :put unlinesB ["a", "b", "c"] "AA\nBB\n"
HOBiT> :put unlinesB ["a", "b", "c"] "AA\nBB\nCC\nDD\n"
The directory examples
contains several examples. Enjoy!
clauses are not implemented. -
Some arithmetic operators are not implemented (such as
...). -
Bidirectional case expressions and let expressions are
. -
We do not provide direct ways to write bidirectional constructors. Instead, we adopt the syntactic notion called the bidirectional context, under which constructors are turned into bidirectional ones automatically.
There are three forms of expressions that open bidirectional contexts: (1)
(except exit-conditions and reconcilers), and constructors in bidirectional contexts. -
Bidirectional contexts are explicitly opened by
. -
The bidirectional context is shallow in the sense that arguments of functions are unaffected. For example,
in(| f [] |)
is not promoted.
The executable creates the file named .HOBiT_history
the home directory.
If the error
gcc' failed in phase
Linker'. (Exit code: 1)
is showen,
sudo apt install libtinfo-dev
may resolve it.