
This is an educational project to build a bit torrent using haskell and the codecrafters challenge

Primary LanguageHaskell


This is a starting point for Haskell solutions to the "Build Your Own BitTorrent" Challenge.

In this challenge, you’ll build a BitTorrent client that's capable of parsing a .torrent file and downloading a file from a peer. Along the way, we’ll learn about how torrent files are structured, HTTP trackers, BitTorrent’s Peer Protocol, pipelining and more.

Note: If you're viewing this repo on GitHub, head over to codecrafters.io to try the challenge.

Passing the first stage

The entry point for your BitTorrent implementation is in app/Main.hs. Study and uncomment the relevant code, and push your changes to pass the first stage:

git add .
git commit -m "pass 1st stage" # any msg
git push origin master

Time to move on to the next stage!

Stage 2 & beyond

Note: This section is for stages 2 and beyond.

  1. Ensure you have stack installed locally
  2. Run ./your_bittorrent.sh to run your program, which is implemented in app/Main.hs.
  3. Commit your changes and run git push origin master to submit your solution to CodeCrafters. Test output will be streamed to your terminal.


  • started this project with the intent of getting familiar with megaparser and argparse, I had used argparse in the grep project but not argparse. I made a half decent start. Got familiar with the parser but when I ran into the hash values i realised my mistake I had built the parsers and adt's with String out of ignorance and lazyness.

  • This was a painful realisation I now have to rewrite most of the functions to use bytestring instead, its a significant rewrite especially when considering, I was pushing my haskell skills to the limit to get this far. This rewrite will be a significant undertaking for me.