
serverless python web application for ASX data with dynamodb backend

Primary LanguagePython

ASX DB - A Python Flask Web application running on AWS Lambda and backed by DynamoDB.

Deployed at https://www.asx-db.com/ Github: https://github.com/l-j-g/A4/tree/main/B/asx-db-sl

This is a cloud native web application that stores financial information (Information, Cash flow, Balance sheet and Income statement) for companies that are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. It it has been designed to be scalable and reliable whilst incurring minimal hosting fees.

This application demonstrates full stack cloud native development and has been built using:

  • Serverless Framework
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS DynamoDB (NoSQL)
  • Flask - Python Web Framework
  • Jinja2 - Python Templating Library
  • Pandas - Python Data Analysis Library


  • Cloud native, serverless application that is scalable, reliable, easy to deploy and cheap
  • Uses AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and Flask to provide a REST-Like API
  • An API Key is used to authorise a function that initialises the database for all 2,000+ tickers listed on the ASX.
  • Information, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet and Income Statement is stored for each ticker.
  • Lambda functions are automatically kept warm to prevent cold starts.
  • Fresh data is automatically scraped via cron job every 2 minutes to update tye oldest data in the database.
  • 6 Global Secondary Indexes enables the database to be sorted by Ticker, Name, Market Cap, Date Listed, GICs Group and Date Updated.
  • Threading is used to speed up (4x) the execution time of scraping Info, Cash flow, Balance sheet and Income statement
  • Custom pagination is implemented to allow for pagination (forward and reverse of the data)


This application includes three functions, the api function (./flaskApp/app.py) is responsible handling all incoming requests by configured http events. The Flask framework is responsible for routing and handling requests internally. The implementation takes advantage of serverless-wsgi, which allows you to wrap WSGI applications such as Flask apps.

The application also provisions a NoSQL DynamoDB database that stores financial data for all companies that are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. The database is configured to autoscale according to load and has 6 additional Global Secondary Indexes to allow sorting of the data.

The autoUpdate function (./dev/dev.py) is configured to execute automatically every two minutes. First it retrieves the oldest data from the database, then requests new information, cash flow, income statement and balance sheet information from Yahoo and updates the new data in the database. These requests are made concurrently - to minimise execution time.

The init function (./dev/dev.py) initialises the database with basic information (ticker, company name, market cap and listing date). As a security measure it can only be called via a POST request that has been authorised via AWS IAM.

Error Testing:

For local testing, UnitTesting is provided in the file ./flaskApp/test_app.py, To execute correctly it will require both serverless wsgi serve and serverless dynamodb start services to be running.

Further manual testing can be done via executing a post request to either http://localhost:5000/init or http://localhost:5000/update/<ticker>

Further monitoring can be observed via AWS CloudWatch. Logs can be viewed with the commands: serverless logs -f api -t serverless logs -f autoUpdate -t serverless logs -f init -t


Example log of autoUpdate function indicating that the function has been executed successfully and the execution time.

Manual Application Testing

In addition to the type testing proivded in the test_app.py file, the following manual tests were conducted:

Endpoint Testing

End point Response Behaviour
'/' 200 Display Homepage
'/search/' 200 Display Search Page
'/search/groupBy=<'group'>&orderBy=<'direction'>' 200 Display results filtered in order
'/search/<'page'>' 200 Display next page of relevent results
'/ticker/' 308 Redirect to search page (no ticker provided)
'/ticker/<'ticker'>' 200 Redirect to ticker info page
'/ticker/<'bad_ticker'>' 308 Redirect to search page (ticker could not be found)
'/ticker/<'ticker'>/info' 200 Display ticker info page
'/ticker/<'ticker'>/cash_flow' 200 Display ticker cash flow page
'/ticker/<'ticker'>/income_statement' 200 Display ticker income statement page

UI Testing

Nav Bar:

Working as intended, displays either home page or search page.

Search page:

  • Search ticker:

    • Ticker can be manually searched by entering ticker in the search bar.
    • If the ticker information about that ticker will be displayed.
    • If the ticker can not be found the user will be redirected to the search page.
    • Working as intended.
  • Filter:

    • UI has been implemented but is not yet working.
    • BUG: Further development is required to implement the filter functionality.
  • Results table:

    • Displays 25 results per page
    • Results are sorted by the table header in either asc or desc order.
    • Working as intended.
  • Pagination:

    • Pagination is working as intended.
    • Optional Next and Previous buttons are displayed.
    • Page Key is stored in cookies allowing the user to navigate between pages.

Ticker Page

  • Nav Bar

    • Working as intended.
    • Allows selection between ticker info, cash flow and income statement.
  • Info/Cash Flow/Income Statement/Balancesheet

    • Database data is displayed in tabular forms
    • BUG: The table columns are not always in the correct order e.g. 2018, 2019, 2021, 2020 Fixed 12/03



In order to package your dependencies locally with serverless-python-requirements, you need to have Python3.8 installed locally. You can create and activate a dedicated virtual environment with the following command:

python3.8 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate


This example is made to work with the Serverless Framework dashboard, which includes advanced features such as CI/CD, monitoring, metrics, etc.

In order to deploy with dashboard, you need to first login with:

serverless login

install dependencies with:

npm install

and then perform deployment with:

serverless deploy 

Local development

It is also possible to run your application locally, however, in order to do that, you will need to first install werkzeug, boto3 dependencies, as well as all other dependencies listed in requirements.txt. It is recommended to use a dedicated virtual environment for that purpose. You can install all needed dependencies with the following commands:

pip install werkzeug boto3
pip install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, you will need to emulate DynamoDB locally, which can be done by using serverless-dynamodb-local plugin. In order to do that, execute the following commands:

serverless plugin install -n serverless-dynamodb-local
serverless dynamodb install

Now you can start DynamoDB local with the following command:

serverless dynamodb start

At this point, you can run your application locally with the following command:

serverless wsgi serve