
Download images, gifs and text posts from Reddit

Primary LanguagePython


RedditImageBackup is a tool built to archive self-posts, images, gifs and videos from subreddit and users. This program works through the command line and uses Python 3.


Get your Reddit API credentials.

Install all the dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Add the API client ID and secret through the terminal as so, replace the string in quotes with your credentials:

python3 RedditGrabber.py --reddit_id "client_id_here" --reddit_secret "client_secret_here"

Or you can also enter the client id and and client secret int he config.json file in the resources folder.

Usage and Arguments

To download from a single subreddit, in this case /r/diy

python3 RedditGrabber.py diy

You can also pass in a list of subreddits and users in the form of a txt file, with contains each subreddit on a newline.

python3 RedditGrabber.py subs.txt

This downloads the first 50 new submission from the user /u/spez and stores they by user then subreddit(i.e. spez/<subreddit>/<media>).

python3 RedditGrabber.py /u/spez --by_author --posts 50 --sort new

Below are all the optional arguments that you can use:

-h, --help                     show this help message and exit

-w WAIT, --wait WAIT            Change wait time between subreddits in seconds
-p POSTS, --posts POSTS         Number of posts to grab on each cycle
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT      Set base directory to start download
--by_author                     Sort downloads by author, default by subreddit
--sort SORT                     Sort submissions by 'hot', 'new' or 'top'
-v, --verbose                   Sets verbose
--blacklist BLACKLIST           Avoid downloading a user, without /u/
--reddit_id REDDIT_ID           Reddit client ID
--reddit_secret REDDIT_SECRET   Reddit client secret