Upload files to Amazon S3 of the IMG, A, LINK and SCRIPT tags and replaces the url for gulp 3.
First, install gulp-s3-replace
as a development dependency:
npm install gulp-s3-replace --save-dev
Then, add it to your gulpfile.js
var s3Replace = require('gulp-s3-replace');
gulp.task('s3replace', function(){
basePath: './',
bucketName: 's3 bucket name',
fileExtensions: ['jpg', 'pdf'],
s3: {
s3Options: {
accessKeyId: 'your s3 key',
secretAccessKey: 'your s3 secret'
Upload files to Amazon S3 of the IMG, A, LINK and SCRIPT tags and replaces the url.
Type: Object
Type: string
Default: process.cwd()
Base path for files.
Type: string
Default: empty
The bucket that the files will be uploaded to.
Type: array
Default: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg', 'doc', 'pdf', 'js', 'css']
File extensions to be uploaded.
Type: integer
Default: 20971520
If a file is this many bytes or greater, it will be uploaded via a multipart request. Minimum is 5MB. Maximum is 5GB.
Type: integer
Default: 15728640
When uploading via multipart, this is the part size. The minimum size is 5MB. The maximum size is 5GB. Note that S3 has a maximum of 10000 parts for a multipart upload, so if this value is too small, it will be ignored in favor of the minimum necessary value required to upload the file.
Type: integer
Default: 20
Maximum number of simultaneous requests this client will ever have open to S3.
Type: integer
Default: 3
How many times to try an S3 operation before giving up.
Type: integer
Default: 1000
How many milliseconds to wait before retrying an S3 operation.
Type: string
Default: empty
Your Amazon S3 key.
Type: string
Default: empty
Your Amazon S3 secret key.
More s3Options options see:http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/Config.html#constructor-property
Before uploading files plugin creates a meta file (in the directory specified in options.basePath) the current time, so as not upload files that have not changed. If you want to upload files forcibly remove the meta directory.
S3_KEY=<valid_s3_key> S3_SECRET=<valid_s3_secret> S3_BUCKET=<valid_s3_bucket> npm test
The test timeout is set to 40 seconds because Internet connectivity waries wildly.