
Example of how to use Micronaut with GraphQL-SPQR with transactions and security support.

Primary LanguageJava

Micronaut GraphQL example

This project shows how to use Micronaut with java-graphql and graphql-spql with transactions and security support.

The full documentation is included here.

Running the example

To start the server use the following command:

$ ./gradlew clean shadowJar
$ java -jar build/libs/micronaut-graphql-0.1.jar


After starting the server you can navigate to http://localhost:8080/graphiql to display the GraphQL console. During the first request for GraphQL schema the Basic HTTP Auth popup should be displayed in the browser. You can authenticate with the following users:

  1. user / userpass to become a regular user.
  2. admin / adminpass to become the admin.