These scripts are ones that I use time to time on Pen Test Engagements.
- This script will perform the following tasks:
1.  Run theharvester against the target domain.
2.  Run fierce to look for subdomains.
3.  Run whois against domain name and IP addresses discovered.
4.  Save file with email addresses located.

Use:  ./ <targetDomain>
- This script will perform the following tasks:
1.  Run Responder (if requested)
2.  Run nmap discovery scan against target IP list
3.  Run nmap TCP SynScan against live IPs
4.  Run nmap UDP top 20 ports scan against live IPs
5.  Import nmap scan results into metasploit (pro version.  for community, remove the "msfpro -- -x" and replace with "msfconsole -x")
6.  Use EyeWitness to create a HTTP/HTTPS taget list
7.  Run SSLScan on SSL hosts
8.  Run EyeWitness to scrape HTTP/HTTPS sites
9.  Run Nikto against HTTP/HTTPS sites
10.  Run SNMPCheck against SNMP hosts

Use:  ./ <target IP/subnet/Range> <TargetDomain> <interfaceIP> 
**InterfaceIP is optional and determines if responder is run or not.**