
WCF-like service model API for communication over named pipes. .NET Standard (.NET Core) and node.js clients.

MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status MyGet (dev)


WCF-like service model API for communication over named pipes. .NET Standard (.NET Core) and Node.js clients.

  • async
  • json serialization
  • DI integration
  • cancellation
  • timeouts
  • callbacks
  • one way calls (all methods that return non-generic Task)
  • automatic reconnect
  • interception
  • configurable task scheduler
  • client authentication and impersonation
  • SSPI encryption and signing

Check the tests and the sample.

// configure and start the server
_ = new ServiceHostBuilder(serviceProvider)
    .UseNamedPipes(new NamedPipeSettings("computing")) 
// configure the client
var computingClient = 
    new NamedPipeClientBuilder<IComputingService>("computing")
// call a remote method
var result = await computingClient.AddFloat(1, 4, cancellationToken);