#=================================================================== Property of Gerard Robin 01-04-2006, with modifications done by l0k1 the Model is under Copyright GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE see GPL COPYING file attached to this package. #=================================================================== ==================================================================== Here is the basic flyable models. BlackBird-SR71-A was the usual Aircraft, with Pilot and RSO BlackBird-SR71-B was the training Aircrfat, with Instructor Pilot and Student Pilot BlackBird-SR71-BigTail was a variant of the SR71-A with an extended tail. Only one produced. (To be added)BlackBird-SR71-C was the forward fuselage of an SR71-A, and the tail end of the YF-12. (To be added)BlackBird-SR71-A and -B w/ NASA modifications. Mainly to be done: --------A lot (huge) of improvement regarding the FDM, Aero and Engine performance. --------Cockpits with more instrumentation. --------The -C variant, and NASA payloads and modifications