
Telegram bot that can download video/audio from YouTube up to 1.5 Gb and send them in private chat.

Primary LanguagePython


This bot can download videos/audios from YouTube and send them via Telegram. Bot bypasses 50 Mb restriction - it can send files of size up to 1.5 Gb.


  1. Contact @BotFather in Telegram and create new bot.

  2. Paste bot_token and bot_name into secrets.py .

  3. Goto https://my.telegram.org/auth and register new app.

  4. Paste api_id and api_hash into secrets.py .

  5. Get user_id from @ShowJsonBot in Telegram and paste it into secrets.py .

  6. Authenticate userbot on first launch by entering phone number and received sms-code via terminal.

And that's it!

Contact: @Lor3m