
Tiling Window Manager for X11

Primary LanguageC

Fluorite 1.0 (BETA)

Fluorite is a dynamic tiling window manager that aims to be light, functionnal, predictable, and beautiful.

Fluorite Presentation Rosé-pine Theme

Fluorite Presentation Multimonitor Demo


  • Dynamic master layout tiling.
  • Stacked layout (Monocle layout in DWM).
  • Floating windows management.
  • Static configuration for bindings, custom C functions and more, compiled with Fluorite.
  • Dynamic configuration with auto-reload for styling.
  • Organizer mode, let you swap windows freely.
  • Works with multiple monitors. XMonad style.

Why BETA ?

I'm trying to go for a stable release for early June (around 8... If you know you know). In this short period of time (writing this on 30 May), I would like to implement some more features and catch some bugs.

Documentation ?

Go to Fluorite Website for more informations. I talk about configuration, installation, ect...

You can also find some quick tips inside CONFIG.md.

Installation (basic informations)


On Archlinux you can type this command to install everything you need.

sudo pacman -S xorg xdo libxft libxcomposite libxcursor libxrandr

Build and install

After doing modifications to the config, just type (WITHOUT sudo). It will remake and copy the Fluorite executable to /usr/bin/.

make install

.xinitrc example

setxkbmap -layout fr
polybar &
picom &
exec Fluorite

Keep in mind that the setxkbmap with the proper keyboard layout is REQUIRED so you can have all your bindings working.

Known issues

  • If java apps are clunky, you can add export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 to you .xinitrc just before Fluorite execution.