
WordPress on Kubernetes, no Minikube


WordPress implementation on Kubernetes. Based on the tutorial from Kubernetes' documentation, but on real cluster (no Minikube).

Simplest as possible, to be useful as Kubernetes cluster deployment exercise/test.


WordPress + MySQL configurations require the creation of a cluster with PersistentVolumes and Secrets. I'm also using Kustomize for the Secret generator.

1. Security first

Following the tutorial, the first step is adding a Secrets generator using a kustomization file.

I generated a random password for MySQL: GA3DIMJRGUZTSNZT. For learning purposes, such values are exposed, but this should never be a practice (neither in practice environments).

The following code must be added to kustomization.yaml:

- name: mysql-pass
  - password=GA3DIMJRGUZTSNZT #arbitrarily random password

2. MySQL 🐬 deployment

This MySQL container image is specifically configured for WordPress usage, which makes connections easier. It also mounts the PersistentVolume at /var/lib/mysql. The MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable sets the database password from the Secret.

It also contains a Service and a Deployment, where further data is declared.

3. WordPress 🅦 settings

The WordPress container mounts the PersistentVolume at /var/www/html for website data files. The WORDPRESS_DB_HOST environment variable sets the name of the MySQL Service defined above, and WordPress will access the database by Service. The WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD environment variable sets the database password from the Secret kustomize generated.

4. Back to Kustomization

After defining both mysql.yaml and wordpress.yaml files, those should be referenced on kustomization.yaml:

  - mysql.yaml
  - wordpress.yaml