
This script resigns an IPA for AppStore or Adhoc Deployment. It is compatible with Swift Code.

Primary LanguageShell


This script re-signs an IPA for AppStore, Adhoc or Development Deployment. It is compatible with Swift Code.


  • Mac with OSX Yosemite (or later)
  • Xcode 6 (or later)
  • Xcode command line tools
  • A valid developer account with the iOS Developer Program


  1. Generate one distribution certificate in the member center (http://developer.apple.com -> Member Center -> Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles)
  2. Import the new certificate in the Keychain of your Mac: be sure to keep the Keychain clean and remove old certificates.
    1. Open the Keychain Access app in your mac and choose Import item in the login keychain
  3. Generate the proviosining profile for the previous certificate.
    1. In the Member Center create a new provisioning profile for AppStore Distribution. In case you want to install the new IPA through iTunes in your devices, remember that you should use an Adhoc provisioning profile.
    2. Download the new file (i.e. the previously provisioning profile generated) and store it in a known location of your Mac
  4. Run the script with the following parameters:
    sh resign.sh /path/to/ipa /path/to/provisioning_profile "iPhone Developer/Distribution: **Team Member Name**"

####Example for Development Re-sign: sh resign.sh MyApp.ipa Adhoc_deployment.mobileprovision "iPhone Developer: MyTeam Member (XXXXXXXXXX)" ####Example for Adhoc Re-sign: sh resign.sh MyApp.ipa Adhoc_deployment.mobileprovision "iPhone Distribution: MyTeam Member (XXXXXXXXXX)" ####Example for AppStore Re-sign: sh resign.sh MyApp.ipa AppStore_deployment.mobileprovision "iPhone Distribution: MyTeam Member (XXXXXXXXXX)"

#License This script is distributed in terms of LGPL license. See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html for more details.