Feature request: Add support of Assertion Functions to earl assertions.
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Lunigorn commented
Add support of Assertion Functions to earl assertions.
The next code does not pass types validation:
import { suite, test } from "mocha";
import { expect } from 'earl'
type UnionType = {status: 400} | {status: 200, body: string}
var testObject: UnionType = {status: 200, body: "hello"};
suite("reports", () => {
test("create report", async () => {
On line 11 the error is shown:
Property 'body' does not exist on type 'UnionType'.
Property 'body' does not exist on type '{ status: 400; }'.
It doesn't work as expected because earl
do not support Assertion Functions
But if i use workaround with asserts
import { suite, test } from "mocha";
import { expect } from 'earl'
type UnionType = {status: 400} | {status: 200, body: string}
var testObject: UnionType = {status: 200, body: "hello"};
suite("reports", () => {
test("create report", async () => {
expect_toBe(testObject.status, 200);
function expect_toBe<T>(arg: any, value: T): asserts arg is T {
it works fine.
Is it possible to add such assertions to earl
functions definitions?