- 0
- 1
Configure snapshot folder?
#307 opened by fermmm - 2
Use bundler like tsup
#256 opened by krzkaczor - 0
- 0
Feature request: reset function for MockObjects
#292 opened by dhardtke - 1
Support node built-in test runner
#297 opened by neochrome - 0
#298 opened by alexn-s - 4
Documentation website is down
#286 opened by shumphrey - 2
- 0
Bug: Assertions on HTMLElements make earl hang
#294 opened by dhardtke - 0
Feature request: toThrow() / toBeRejected() should return the objects thrown / rejected with
#289 opened by dhardtke - 0
Feature Request: Custom messages
#288 opened by dhardtke - 1
expect.subset() not type-safe
#283 opened by dhardtke - 0
- 0
"Step by step guide" link results in a 404
#281 opened by mateuszradomski - 1
- 2
ESM does not work
#275 opened by m-ronchi - 1
Knex object cannot be correctly formatted
#205 opened by krzkaczor - 1
Type level tests
#179 opened by krzkaczor - 1
Improve API reference
#148 opened by krzkaczor - 2
Show code snippets on home page
#142 opened by hasparus - 1
Add documentation for .toBeAnObjectWith to illustrate usage with matchers to do deep object comparassion
#192 opened by LogvinovLeon - 10
Current plan for validators in 0.3.x
#226 opened by sz-piotr - 2
Add toEqualUnsorted
#159 opened by sz-piotr - 0
Improve mocks error message
#201 opened by krzkaczor - 0
`toThrow` with async errors
#198 opened by krzkaczor - 0
Mocks with async values don't work as expected
#199 opened by krzkaczor - 1
expect.arrayOfStrictly matcher
#195 opened by joelwestland - 1
`toBeAnArrayWith` error message
#206 opened by krzkaczor - 2
Proxies break matchers
#200 opened by krzkaczor - 1
Expose isEqual options to the user
#171 opened by hasparus - 1
Fake timers
#191 opened by krzkaczor - 2
- 2
- 3
- 1
Mock's `executes` wrong signature
#204 opened by krzkaczor - 1
Deprecated dependencies
#180 opened by m-ronchi - 1
way of and-ing or or-ing matchers together
#196 opened by joelwestland - 2
TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite when recursive type is given to `toEqual`
#172 opened by hasparus - 1
Make easier to extend earljs within project
#197 opened by joelwestland - 1
- 1
Earl x Ethereum Smart Contract plugin
#143 opened by krzkaczor - 1
Feature request: reusable matchers
#193 opened by LogvinovLeon - 1
- 2
Hide internal stack traces
#163 opened by sz-piotr - 1
- 1
Add toMatch
#162 opened by sz-piotr - 0
Change accepted type for `toEqual` in plugins
#146 opened by krzkaczor - 1
- 6
Programmatic interface for the runner
#152 opened by moltar