
Scripts for the HexChat IRC client.

I have switched back to Windows from Linux, therefore these scripts will keep being updated for HexChat and I have given up porting them to WeeChat.

ajutils.py - extra general-purpose commands

FB2K.py - wrapper that makes EasyWinampControl's formatting prettier, change foo_winamp_spam's title string to %title%|%artist%|%album%|%codec%|%_foobar2000_version%

mentions.py - opens up an irssi-style window with messages that mention you

randomkicks.py - adds a random kick reason when one is not specified

rbtext.py - rainbowifies text

autounban.py - automatically unbans you on channels you have +r on, customizable cooldown with /aubcooldown

chanmsg.py - sends a message to an array of channels

lastfm.py - sends LastFM now playing status to a channel

mpdnp.py - sends Music Player Daemon naw playing status to a channel