
Note Taking - Google Keep Clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Service Notes

Deal with json or xml header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Content-Type: application/json');

output data into json json_encode($data);

#reading help with send json data to PHP and decoding into array https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23750661/send-json-object-from-javascript-to-php/23750707#23750707

#read ngSanitize to santize html entities/tags. i.e
, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9381926/insert-html-into-view-using-angularjs

#save and cancel edit form http://jsfiddle.net/timriley/GVCP2/

#version .8 5/5/2015 Working on: fix api url, be careful with file naming (api vs API). On some server it is case sensitive. api/v1/...

test on heroku, may need a MySQL on different server other than heroku heroku does not support SQLite