FsWD 64 - Final exam


Student ID:

Name (TH):



  • Login page (/login)
    • Login with username and password
    • Show error message if user not found or incorrect password
  • Register page (/register)
    • Register with fullname, username and password
    • Show error message if duplicate username
  • Feed page (/feed)
    • Create new tweet
    • Display tweet feed
    • Tweet display text, retweets count, likes count and user info
    • Tweet actions retweet and like
  • Profile page (/:username)
    • Display user detail, tweets count, following count, followers count and tweets
    • Follow button if user not follow this profile
    • Unfollow button if user followed this profile
    • Tweet display text, retweets count, likes count and user info
    • Tweet actions retweet and like

Start development

  • Pull code from this repo
  • Create new branch with name feat/YOUR_STUDENT_ID


  • Create .env file from .env.example
  • Install dependencies
  • Start development server using command yarn start
  • Web should run on port 3000
  • Implement all comment start with WEB: Implement


  • Create .env file from .env.example
  • Install dependencies
  • Start development server useing command yarn dev
  • Initial database data using command yarn seed
  • API should run on port 3001
  • Implement all comment start with API: Implement


  • Install dependencies
  • Start testing using command yarn test
  • After Cypress app running click final-exam.spec.ts
  • Cypress will start Chrome fro testing all test case

Test cases

  • Login page
    • Input and state working correctly
    • Login button enabled/disabled working correctly
    • Login success redirect to Feed page correctly
    • Show error message when login failed correctly
    • Register button redirect to Register page correctly
  • Register page
    • Input and state working correctly
    • Register button enabled/disabled working correctly
    • Register success redirect to Login page correctly
    • Show error message when register failed correctly
    • Login button redirect to Login page correctly
  • Feed page
    • New tweet input, state and text length working correctly
    • Tweet button enabled/disabled working correctly
    • Tweet success display new tweet correctly
    • Feed display Tweets correctly
    • Tweet content, user info and actions display correctly
    • Retweet success display new tweet correctly
    • Like success display tweets correctly
    • Unlike success display tweets correctly
  • Profile page
    • Profile info display correctly
    • Follow/Unfollow success display correctly
    • User tweets display correctly
    • Tweet content, user info and actions display correctly
    • Retweet success display new tweet correctly
    • Like success display tweets correctly
    • Unlike success display tweets correctly