Workshop Node.js Observability with OpenTelemetry

  • Centralize logging
  • Distributed tracing
  • Application metric
  • Health check

Run server 1 and service 2

$npm install

// Start service 1
$npm run service1

// Start service 2
$npm run service2

Start Tracing server :: Zipkin

$docker container run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

Open url = http://localhost:9411 in web browser

Working with application metric

$npm install

// Start service 3
$node service3.js


  • Open url of service = http://localhost:3002/movies in web browser
  • Open url of application metric = http://localhost:9464/metrics in web browser

Start Prometheus server :: Zipkin

$docker containerrun --name prometheus -d -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus

Open url = http://localhost:9090 in web browser

Reference websites