Summator F#

Port of the Summator sample project originally from the GDExtensionSummator template.

This is a F# project that uses the Godot .NET bindings to implement a GDExtension that can be loaded by Godot.

Please note that I'm not an F# developer so this code is likely not idiomatic, but it should be a good enough starting point.

Usage (Native Library)

Build the F# library as a native library and put it in the lib directory of the Game project.

dotnet publish Extension -r linux-x64 -o Game/lib

There is a GDExtension manifest that already points to the right location so Godot can find the library.


Since it doesn't seem like F# supports the [UnmanagedCallersOnly] attribute. Building a native library and loading it as a GDExtension will not work, instead follow the steps below. For more context, see dotnet/samples#5647.

Usage (Portable DLL)

Build the F# library as a portable DLL and put it in the directory where Godot expects to find it.

The new dotnet module is still a work-in-progress, but if you put the DLL in the .godot/mono/temp/bin/Debug directory it should be able to find it (this may change in the future).


The new dotnet module is not publicly available yet.