abstract: Provides a simple repository containing basic end-to-end test boiler plate for lempire SDET exercises.
- challenge end-to-end testing understanding
- challenge basic Javascript understanding
- Requires a npm/node working environment
- Requires a useable internet connection
- Lempire uses macos as Tech environment, hence this npm project tailored for this, but you might use any platform/OS at your disposable for the purpose of this test.
This git repository provides:
- an NPM project which installs playwright,
- some basic .js test files.
We use Playwright (https://playwright.dev/) as our main e2e test tool. This works fine and is very customizable. Playwright intro is here: https://playwright.dev/docs/intro
First install npm dependencies (install playwright)
npm install
Install playwright (which install some browsers)
npx playwright install
Then run the test framework using
npm run test
This will launches playwright in command line mode.
playwright should now run this very simple test suite against https://app.lemlist.com (en compte trial)
For this test, we'd like you to challenge the "Account settings" modal window. located here
It's located in top right on the main dashboard. You'll find several fields than be tested: name, firstName, among others, what you deem appropriate to test.
You'll need to first create an account, you can use the trial plan for this.
You can now work your magic, you should probably be in known territory by now, have fun.