
A command-line interface for google calendar

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Functionality


Clinder is a command line interface for google calendar, which uses the google calendar api. Clinder can be an alternative to the google calendar website which is more interactive and visual which might make it slower. Clinder can also be convenient to those who work on the command line often and find it troublesome switching between windows.


  1. Create a Google Cloud project
    1. https://console.cloud.google.com/projectcreate
  2. Enable Google Calendar API
    1. https://console.cloud.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=calendar-json.googleapis.com
  3. Configure OAuth
    1. https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent
    2. type: External
    3. OAuth consent screen, just type name and email
    4. Scopes
      1. Click rows per page, display 100
      2. Select All
    5. Test Users, add your email
  4. Create Credentials
    1. Credentials -> Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID
    2. Application Type: Desktop App
    3. Download JSON
    4. rename to credentials.json
    5. copy paste to this folder
  5. Install required modules in powershell/cmd
    1. pip install tzdata
    2. pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
  6. Input Calendar ID
    1. Settings -> Integrate Calendar -> Calendar ID


There are four basic operations in this program, which is to create events, read (display) events, update events and delete events.

1) Create

Events can be created, with fields

✅ summary (aka title), location, description, time

❌ recurrence, attendees, reminders


2) Read

There are a few different filters and method of displaying events:

  1. display events within specific time range read_time

  2. display events for today, tomorrow, this week, this month or this year read_word

  3. display events with a specific title (aka summary) read_summary

3) Update

The summary, description and location of an event can be updated, one at a time update

4) Delete

Events can be deleted in bulk delete

- Calendar ID

First time inputting id id_1

If id has been input before, it will be stored in token.json where it can be reused id_2