Django web application to store and manage vouchers, coupons, loyalty and gift cards digitally. Supports expiry notifications, transaction histories, file uploads and OIDC SSO.
- 4
[FEATURE] Support for running on subfolders
#40 opened by MagiX13 - 4
- 1
[FEATURE] Sort items on inventory
#38 opened by pixpaws - 2
- 20
[UNRAID] Vouchervault fails to load with "unable to open database file" error
#19 opened by rama31244 - 1
- 1
- 1
How to Display the EAN13 Barcode?
#34 opened by Z0y6h0kS9X - 2
[FEATURE] Allow to translate application
#32 opened by TheZoker - 1
- 0
[BUG] Issuer should be required
#30 opened by TheZoker - 1
[FEATURE] Allow expire field to be empty
#31 opened by TheZoker - 9
[UNRAID] Database does not generate on Unraid
#24 opened by Joshndroid - 8
- 2
Admin password retrieval
#11 opened by superdingo101 - 3
[BUG] Dark theme minor issue
#17 opened by chevdor - 8
[BUG] OIDC callback comes back as http
#18 opened by Mrs-Feathers - 4
Feature requests for giftcards
#3 opened by wardwygaerts - 1
[FEATURE] Redis Settings
#22 opened by drag0n141 - 2
[FEATURE] External PostgreSQL Support
#20 opened by drag0n141 - 1
[FEATURE] Set expiry date to non-expiring
#16 opened by moostmartijn - 3
- 2
#4 opened by mariushosting - 3
Feature request: Optional fields
#9 opened by lksrmp - 4
Crontab default task
#8 opened by lksrmp - 2
CSRF Logic on alternate port
#7 opened by michaelkrieger - 1
Cannot add transaction with decimal places
#5 opened by majatocaha - 2
Add Dark Theme
#2 opened by mariushosting - 1
Add currency EUR and others.
#1 opened by mariushosting