Previously this repo contained the materials for a talk that Jayson Grace gave for UNM - ISMART, a club at his Alma Mater on 4/23/2021. If you are looking for the original materials, they now live here.
This repo is now another place to learn about Web Application Security. Needless to say there's a lot of materials to be found all over the internet covering this content. This repo doesn't aim to cover anything particularly novel; it is simply another resource that attempts to explain these concepts and provide accompanying examples.
Additionally, this is a great place for a newcomer (or even a veteran) to create their first pull request and share all of the wonderful things they've learned with others. If you have wanted to contribute work to an open-source project but have found yourself feeling nervous or apprehensive doing so, this is the place for you. Review the content that exists, read about how to create a pull request and give it a go!
If there's anything that isn't clear or isn't working, please start by using the power of Google to help you find a solution. If you're really, really stuck and have exhausted all possible avenues that the Internet has provided you with, feel free to Create an Issue in this repo. Maybe you'll get lucky and someone may be able to respond with something helpful - especially if you provide enough information about the problem. Here's a great resource that you can use to get a sense of what you should include in an issue:
If you find an issue in this repo and can fix it, please feel free to submit a pull request with your fix. This is a great way to learn how to get started contributing to an open-source project, which can, in turn, help you to grow as a professional and have something that stands out on your resume.
Please check out the thanks page to find a list of all the great folks that made this resource what it is today.