Login, Share post React app

if you only want to try the app can go to this link:


This is an app created with:

  • Fronted --> React JS, Tailwinds CSS.

  • Backend --> Firebase.

  • When we upload a React project to GitHub, git doesn't load the node modules folder, so when you download the repository you have to run the following command inside the folder of my repo:

npm i or npm install

  • if you are in linux and your're using another package manager, for example yarn, you need to use the following command in the same folder of my repo:

yarn install, IDK if you can use just yarn i, look that in google for yourself.

Versions I used

Names Version
Npm 8.7.0
Node JS 17.9.0
Firebase 9
  • if you're using linux and don't know how to update npm, can take a look in this fantastic repo https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm <---- ** I always install NodeJS and Npm with this repo guide ** and never had problems.

Be carefull, first you need to initialize your own firebase and firebase tokens, Here will be all that you need to do step by step.

  1. Go to https://firebase.google.com/ ( if you're logged in to your google account probably you don't need to sign up )


Option Description
Firebase config file File location --> firebase.js

those are important: its has to be if true an both cases, firestore and storage



Some captures of the project

  • Principal page. image

Tailwind CSS