
gAdmin Translation Files

Primary LanguagePHP


Here you can download the translation files, so that way you can translate it to your main language. It's pretty easy to do, just go to the languages folder, create a new text file, and name it yourlanguage.php, for example: deutsche.php (german).

These files use basic PHP Syntax, I explain a lot more about what to do in these files. Once you're done with a translation, you can hit me up by private message here or here. Thank you for supporting my script!

Note that everyone that helps me out with these translation, will be added to the gAdmin description and will be given a -25% discount on a future script! (Spawn Zone Manager, usage will be through menus, you will be able to create or edit spawn points for players, ranks, jobs, steamids, and more, with also the ability to run custom functions on these players on spawn, like giving them weapons, ammo, armor, health, speed, etc)