- picom
- pamixer recommended
- awesome git version
- These are the fonts you need: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font, FiraCode Nerd Font, SF Mono Nerd Font and Roboto.
recommended: kitty or alacritty, neovim (with nvchad or your own config), blur and rounded corners in your picom config
- Make sure that the wallpaper fits with your monitor. In case it doesn't, change it in images/global/wallpaper.png.
git clone https://github.com/lvoidi/dots ~/.config/awesome
cd ~/.config/awesome
# rubato submodule
git submodule init
git submodule update
Change your variables con config/declarations.lua
Modify or add keybinds on config/keys.lua
Add rules on config/rules.lua
Change your color scheme inside theme.lua
Change your bar organization inside ui/bar/init.lua