- DynaTime is Countdown Timer based on Hourglass library which has a Pause, Resume features, the main differences of this library are stopping the loop of timer when finished and all the functions written in single abstract class.
Add this to your build.gradle
compile 'com.github.la-colinares:DynaTime:1.0.0'
implementation 'com.github.la-colinares:DynaTime:1.0.0'
Three constructors for initializing
public DynaTime() //default interval is 1 second public DynaTime(time) //default interval is 1 second public DynaTime(time, interval)
Functions to manage timer
public void startTimer() public void stopTimer() public void pauseTimer() public void resumeTimer()
Abstract methods for updating UI
public void onTimerStart(long timeRemaining) // Called after every interval. public void onFinish() // Called when time specified finishes
Setters for setting time and interval
public void setTime(long timeInMillis) public void setInterval(long intervalInMillis)
Examples Here is an example:
Just initialize an object of DynaTime.
DynaTime dynaTime = new DynaTime(25000, 1000) { @Override public void onTimerStart(long timeRemaining) { String min = (timeRemaining%60000/1000) != 0 ? (timeRemaining%60000/1000) + "" : (timeRemaining%60000/1000) + "0"; String time = (timeRemaining/60000) + ":" + min; Toast.show(MainActivity.this, time, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onFinish() { Toast.show(MainActivity.this, "Finished", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }; dynaTime.startTimer();
- Credits to Hourglass Library
- This project is licensed under MIT License, - see the LICENSE file for details