
A simple app that provides movie lists.

Primary LanguageJava


- My Movies App is a simple app that provides popular, top rated, and upcoming movies.


- Show popular, top rated, and upcoming movies.
- Show Details of every selected movies such as genre, ratings, release date, summary, trailer, and reviews.

Database and API (TMDb)

Made With:

- Java, Retrofit2, Glide, Material Design UI

Some Library Used:

- HTextView -> https://github.com/hanks-zyh/HTextView
- Reside Menu -> https://github.com/SpecialCyCi/AndroidResideMenu

Resource Person:

- Arth Limchiu
- http://arthlimchiu.com
- http://imakeanapp.com/make-a-movies-app-using-tmdb-api-part-1-introduction/