Simple CRUD Operation in Android Studio using SQLite Database.

Primary LanguageJava


Simple CRUD Operation in Android Studio using SQLite Database.

This Android application provides a Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) Operation with the use of SQLite Database. The objective of this project is to help some new developers specially students who wants learn Android App Development with SQLite Database.

TOOLS USED: Android Studio 3.0.1 PL : JAVA


    • Simple Splash Screen
    • Contact List
    • Add New Contact List
    • Display Contact Info
    • Edit/Update Contact Info
    • Delete Contact
  2. APP VALIDATIONS: Add/Edit Contact

    • Error Message display when adding new contact with incomplete fields.
    • Character input type of Contact Number is Number only.
    • Character input type of Age is Number only.
    • Age character length is 3.

    Delete Contact

    • Pop up Warning Message.

Hope it helps. Thank You!!!