
This repository is deprecated and references the old version of LACounts.org

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Configured & tested for postgresql, easticsearch & redis.


Initialize your override file:

cp docker-compose.dev.yml docker-compose.override.yml
touch .env

Create our containers:

docker-compose up

Create database & account:

docker-compose run cli migrate
docker-compose run cli createsuperuser

docker-compose run cli pipes to a python manage.py in a container


Install requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set environment variables:


Create database & account:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser


Create ec2 instance and deploy:

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-region us-west-2 --amazonec2-instance-type "t2.medium" scdc01
eval $(docker-machine env scdc01)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up

Production configuration includes a varnish service.


Recommended way to export catalog (without stories or CMS):

docker-compose run cli dumpdata --indent 2 --format xml datasets.SpatialEntity datasets.Publisher datasets.DataPortal datasets.CatalogRecord datasets.RecordColumn datasets.Dataset datasets.Distribution focus.Concept focus.Label focus.MappedUri > datasets.xml


You will need a json auth file from Google API to run this command. Consult google-api-python-client docs to obtain a copy.

Example import of datasets from a google spreadsheet:

python manage.py import_googlesheet_datasets ./scdc-5b861566cbdc.json 1uNtA4GbBwky8PPdNUvmXXZCI1GLtH5cGF-Q0FqD90w0

import_googlesheet_datasets takes two arguments:

  • path to JSON auth file from Google
  • spreadsheet id

The command will sync the following tabs to the database:

  • Datasets
  • Publishers
  • Data Portals

For best results the spreadsheet should be modeled after: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uNtA4GbBwky8PPdNUvmXXZCI1GLtH5cGF-Q0FqD90w0


This will iterate through all datasets that specify a spatial value but are not currently mapped to geojson. For each new value of spatial, a geocode lookup is done against open street maps and all datasets with that value are mapped to the new geocoded spatial entity.


Imports a W3C SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) vocabulary file. Each entry is mapped to a Concept instance and if a prior field is blank the value will be updated.

The command requires a path to a file to import:

python manage.py import_skos_vocabulary https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/subversion/CGI_CDTGVocabulary/tags/SKOSVocabularies/EnvironmentalImpactValue201401.rdf

Test vocabularies:


Goes through Catalog Records that don't have an associated sync strategy and tests a variety of methods. If a sync strategy matches and works then the catalog record will be updated to use that strategy in the future.


This will sync Catalog Record with their selected sync_strategy.

You may provide a list of ids to sync, or just do a default sync:

python manage.py sync_catalog_record 1268 1269


Generates Concepts from curated_collection and adds the concept to the Catalog Record.

Run this after populating catalog records:

python manage.py create_concepts_from_collections


All concepts will generate a tag and associate itself to any tags matching its various names. Datasets with tags associated to concepts will have their concept associations updated.


  • apps folder contains custom django applications for this project
  • data_commons is the django entry point and app loader
  • specs contains notes and aims to document requirements and implementation negotiation
  • static holds css, js and other assets to be served on the website for styling purposes
  • templates defines the HTML to be rendered in the Django templating language
  • vue-components ui/js components