Project to automate data sourcing and validation from IHS Energy's Energy Web Services.
Features include:
Keep your local dataset in sync with IHS
Scheduled well & production downloads from IHS data services
Highly configurable scheduled tasks:
- download by county, API list, or by producing entity ID
- download using your existing queries stored on the IHS website
Parses and normalizes IHS data
Backed by MongoDB
Built in REST API
Available on DockerHub!
- Pagination mixin is broken. It doesnt seem to respect the passed query string
- Indexes are currently managed external to the app. These need to be ported into the model definitions now that they are somewhat stable.
- Documentation
- Improve API error logging
- Add API endpoints for CLI
- Unit Testing
- Documentation
- Process changes and deletes (nightly)
- query production in a date range for a specific api?
- add endpoint: add/remove county definition (name, state_code, county_code)
- scheduled task: cleanup stale wells
- mechanism to stop submitting exports if remote capacity is full
Launch application services:
docker-compose up
GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS="--bind= --log-level=info --name=gunicorn-ihs --timeout=120 --graceful-timeout=120 --worker-class=gevent --workers=3"