Multilingual Grammatical Translator

Primary LanguageOCaml

This file contains documentation and instructions for the project Multilingual Grammatical Translator (MGT).


This project is named the MGT and contains the following files:

Makefile - allows for the following targets: make, make run, make clean

_tags - a file containing tags for ocamlbuild to ensure compilation

MGT_writeup.pdf - the technical writeup describing the MGT

mgt.ml - the access pooint of this project from outside of the various modules

uI.ml, uI.mli - compile into uI.cmo, handles the user-interface

translator.ml, translator.mli - compile into translator.cmo, handles translating based on input to the MGT

parser.ml, parser.mli - compile into parser.cmo, handles parsing of translation input to the MGT

database.json - the file which contains the language database of the MGT

databaseCreator.ml, databaseCreator.mli - compile into databaseCreator.cmo, create a code version of the database from database.json

rules.ml - the file containing the hard-coded database, used only to update the file database.json

morphology.ml, morphology.mli - compile into morphology.cmo, handles the morphological aspect of the grammars available to the MGT

database.ml, database.mli - compile into database.cmo, handles the database of the MGT

grammar.ml, grammar.mli - compile into grammar.cmo, handles the grammar of the MGT


This project requires that the following packages and libraries be installed:




This project requires the camlp4o syntax and OCamlMake.


To run this project, put all of the above files into a directory. Then, type either of "make" or "make run" into the command line. You should see text displaying instructions on how to use the project, which is a multilingual grammatical translator. Once you have read through the instructions, follow the last visible instruction in order to begin the translation process. Once you have entered valid input for that instruction, another instruction will appear. Follow that instruction and repeat this process until an instruction asks whether you want to run the process again. The program exits if you decide not to and restarts if you do. At each instruction prompt, you may type any of the keywords described in the first set of instructions in order to change program flow accordingly. Once finished using the MGT, please type "make clean" into the command line.


Lavanya Aprameya (la334@cornell.edu) - primary author

John Hale (jthale@cornell.edu) - Computational Linguistics professor for primary author in Spring 2017, provided framework for parsing and provided some helper functions for parsing (i.e., in parser.ml and parser.mli).